We Are Committed to the Healthiest Processes.

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Our Process

We are dedicated to creating the most health-giving, powerful, and therapeutic supplements and whole food complexes possible, proven by science and the results you get, every day.

It truly is all about the origin. That alone determines the quality. That’s why we harvest from only the most remote, rarified, wilderness areas of the world—Siberia, northern Canada, the Peruvian Amazon, and the mountain-tops of the Mediterranean.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


Handpicking & Harvesting

We have teams of pickers in remote areas, who carefully pick the needed natural remedies, in some cases requiring extensive and even dangerous work. Like scaling the mountains in the Mediterranean or Peru, fighting off insects and intense sunlight in the far northern Canadian boreal forest shield.


Preparation & Extraction

At NAH&S, we are always striving to create raw extracts even for wild plants that are rarely used. Standardized extracts are never used, which contain harsh solvents and much of the synergistic components are lost. All of our extracts are made fresh and on-site whenever possible.


Formulation & Synergy

Once we secure the powerful raw materials, then, our master formulators set to work designing supplements with the ultimate synergistic powers. Our on-site specialists know the correct formulations and research behind making most potent, therapeutic whole food and full-spectrum complexes available.


Manufacturing & Bottling

All of our product manufacturing is done in-house by our North American Herb & Spice team, ensuring the highest quality products possible for our world-renowned dietary supplements. All our liquid supplements are bottled directly at NAHS on-site under the watch of our quality control experts.


Straight To You

The last step in our process is delivering exceptional quality and truly raw, unprocessed whole food supplements for you to achieve the highest level of health possible.

Going Above and Beyond

No one does what we do at North American Herb and Spice, which is to hand harvest wild plants and preserve them in their whole and complete form. We adhere to traditional methods of gathering and processing wild ingredients, all the while giving back to the community and materially improving the lives of people across the globe.

Ms. Judy

Our company was founded by nutritionist Judy K. Gray, M.S., who created the world’s first truly whole food, wild plant-based herbal medicine company. It is her commitment to ensure you get the finest quality supplements available, free of all additives and synthetics.

Helped Create


Wells & Buildings





