
The whole grape-skin, seed, and sour pulp is used. Let slowly dissolve under the tongue for maximum potency or in your favorite beverage. In capsule form for easy use.


This is the original multiple spice oil complex as researched by Georgetown University. Take advantage of it for your better health.⁣


This is the only truly raw, organic yacon syrup available. YacoPower is the original, truly raw yacon extract, 100% organic, handmade Peruvian-source.

Edited by: Robyn Minor

Music provided by

Yummy Gummy Cherry Bears

P73 Yummy Gummy Cherry Bears are the newest, fun way for children to get the benefits of wild oregano for daily immune support. Each P73 Yummy Gummy Cherry Bears serving contains three drops of the finest Mediterranean high-mountain oregano oil blend. Every handpicked harvest is made with the highest quality ingredients, is triple-tested for purity and authenticity, and meets cGMP standards. Yummy Gummy Cherry Bears with P73 Oreganol and Black Seed Oil are tasty ways for children to support their immune system. Perfect for daily use.

Black Seed Oil

This is the finest, truly cold-pressed, whole food black seed oil available. Not diluted with lower-quality Indian black seed, it’s 100% Mediterranean/Turkish source, ideal to support a healthy heart and digestive function.